THE SHADOWS – Nostrum Deus Lucifer

Ten years after Die Dollar Die, Phillip Banks returns in The Shadows.


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The Shadows – Nostrum Deus Lucfier

Set in the world of private banking this conspiracy thriller offers a glimpse into the plans and motivations of those who rule the world: The Shadows.

Phillip Banks is a rising star at one of London’s oldest banks, Delonge Martin. Tasked with the acquisition of a Swiss pharmaceutical company, he deals his way from the Arctic North to the deserts of Saudi Arabia, playing his part in the tight-knit world of politics and the uber-rich.

Varangian Protocols

‘Our aim is the creation of a highly talented but helplessly dependant population’

‘Punishment is a kindness, it reassures order and establishes the value of things’

‘Poverty serves a higher purpose, to warn those above to adhere to the system’

In this cautionary tale of the not too distant future Robert Salisbury draws into question The Shadows and their right to anonymity.


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